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The goal of Project 1 is to introduce and categorize the fundamental elements of form in the order in which it develops from a point to a one-dimensional line, to a two-dimensional plane, and to a three-dimensional volume. In the language of architectural design, each element is first considered as a conceptual element and then as a visual element.








  1. Choose six (6) distinct interior-space photographs from a building that caught your eyes (only in portrait orientation), and then compile them in the template which is provided.

  2. Use dots to find every point on all six photos.

  3. To build 6 patterns on all surfaces, connect the points to form lines. 

  4. The patterns can be officially analyzed by adding descriptions.

I chose 6 interior-space photographs and I have gathered it together. I created lines by connecting all the dots together and making 6 different patterns from the different photographs and added the descriptions such as location, name of Architect and other descriptions.



  1. Choose two (2) patterns from Part 1 and create a three-dimensional (3D) model with them. A5-sized image should be printed and placed on a base (foam board, polystyrene board, etc.).

  2. Utilizing shapes and forms with a maximum height of 15 cm and locate the planes and void to create volume and space.

  3. Use only geometrical shape and form (regular & irregular).

  4. Before creating one (1) final model, students should create a minimum of two (2) working models or mock-up models in any sizes and scales (on A5 base & not exceeding 15cm height)


Make use of the materials from given list for model making – satay/bamboo sticks, balsa wood, grey model board, white modeling board, brown modeling board, black cardboard, foam board, coloured paper, textured/patterned paper, polystyrene board, white sponge, white foam.

I created 2 mock-up models with different concepts which are Land and Sea and using the concept as my structures.

My lecturer commented that I should add more planes and volumes since I have lots of lines in the models

I related both of the concepts together and created a new concept for final model which is Amphibian. With different types of materials, I tried to relate and putted descriptions of each materials and using colors to describe my concept accurately.

Lecturer suggested that I should add little bit of planes and volumes and she said that my color choices is fine so I proceeded to go with that colors.




From this assignment, I have successfully solved my model problems which I had to add more planes and volumes to my mock-up models. It was hard to fix my mock-up models since I had to focus on each little details but my lecturer helped me by giving ideas on how to improve my mock-up and final models.


Looking at others' progress, I tried to improve my works since my lecturer told us to listen to everyone's comments so that we can make an improvement on our models. I feel so grateful that the improvements that I did for my model was fine since I did not have that much time to fix my mock-up models since I had o proceed with my final model.


From the lectures given, I have successfully applied the theories in practical. I understood the deep meanings of plane, volume and void so that I could fully applied it to my models accurately. I watched back the recordings to understand every lectures given by my lecturer. My lecturer also gave me the ideas on how to properly doing the models.

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