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I anticipated that the first day of AD1 class would be challenging because I am not experienced to critical thinking, and I wondered how I would make it through the first semester. However, after the first project, I believe I learned a lot, including anthropometry and ergonomics.


I believe that this module is the start of my lifelong study of architecture. Additionally, the lecturer assisted me in turning my concepts into models and frameworks. I have to think creatively and deviate from the norm when completing this module. I am grateful for my tutorial lecturer since he aids in the improvement of my work. I had the opportunity to volunteer and acquired experience speaking in front of knowledgeable instructors and students.

​This module assisted me in understanding all of the architectural theories, particularly those that will be applied to my construction, such as anthropometry, ergonomics, and sensory experiences. With design thinking abilities, we could construct anything, which strangely makes me feel proud of myself. It also fosters an atmosphere where people won't criticise your ideas but will instead use them as inspiration. Regardless of how simple your work is, every student will appreciate it and be willing to offer feedback to help us develop and improve.





As part of my first project for my architecture degree, I've been learning about the fundamental theories of architecture. These skills will undoubtedly come in handy for me in the future and even during my upcoming second semester of architectural design. I'm happy that I was able to finish everything, and that I also learned the fundamentals, which are crucial for success in this course.



I was able to express my ideas clearly with the aid of my lecturer since they created a welcoming environment for me. In order for me to fully understand the theories and avoid straying too far from the fundamentals, my lecturer also provided me with assistance with my ideas. Good communication also makes it easier for other students to comprehend my thoughts and even my panel, to whom I had to submit my boards.


Since much of the information given in this module will be useful in the future, I must be thankful for all my lecturer taught me because it is uncommon and challenging to get such information elsewhere. The foundational ideas I have learned have helped me finish this subject more easily than I had imagined. Me as a student have tried my best to gain knowledge regarding everything that are related to my projects.

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