The first assignment is to watch a documentary named Earth 2007 and produce three A3 size infographic posters of nature awareness in portrait orientation. The research has to be based on the documentary. All of the researches that will be included should be handwritten and I could use any medium coloring to finalize it.

Earth 2007.
Documentary about nature in the past and how the animals trying to survive to stay alive. I could see the differences between past and now.
Front Cover- I have to produce my own genre of Earth 2007. I have to illustrates my feelings regarding the documentary that you have watched. Put a title that could catch people's attention.
I have to pick a nature setting to focus on and describe 5 characteristics with elaboration. After that, I have to state one type of flora, fauna, nature phenomena following with 5 descriptions for flora and fauna and 4 descriptions for nature phenomena.
My references have to be on the below of the poster.
I have to put my favourite scene or significant scene from the documentary. Next, environmental issue and my realization or reflection of nature after watching it.



The first step is to draw 0.5cm border before starting the sketches so it will look neater.
The scene of polar bear with their mother catches my eyes at first. I draw it in the mirror composition based on how polar bears in this current generation are trying to survive because there is no food to eat and the iceberg keeps on melting due to global warming. and on the below, the polar bear in the past.
After give it a thought, I have decided to change my animal from polar bear to lynx cat because I could not get much information of polar bear. There is this one scene in the documentary where the lynx cat walking in between the trees. The gaze of the cat makes me want to focus more on it.


Produces a poster of my own style of Earth 2007 documentary. The poster should include with a name of how I observe the documentary out of the name. My personal background has to be on the below of the poster.
SKETCH: This is my progress for the first tutorial. My lecturer told me to change the title because it sounds basic and does not catch people's attention. Other than that, she also said that I should put more details on the visual in view of the fact that the front cover looks empty.

SKETCH: This illustration of two sides of the lynx cat shows that there are two sides of what is happening in the past and currently that could be related with their feeling towards it. Deforestation in every forests and symbolizes how the wild life in there have to escape themselves since the earth is facing global warming and forest burning everywhere. The title shows that animals feel mad instead of sad because they does not have place to find food and stay. My lecturer said that the composition is good but I have to change the "DEFORCETATION" words since it does not look nice in there and there is no reason to put it there.
OUTCOME: This is my progress for the first tutorial. My lecturer told me to change the title because it sounds basic and does not catch people's attention. Other than that, she also said that I should put more details on the visual in view of the fact that the front cover looks empty.

Select one topography, one flora components and one fauna components and give five details each of it also one nature disaster and give 4 details of it.
SKETCH: This is the progress for second page. Honestly, I do not like the composition and I showed it in the tutorial because at that time I do not have any ideas for the new composition but my lecturer told me to do a freedom style instead of table and box manner to make it look natural.

SKETCH: I have changed the composition just like what my lecturer have said in tutorial. My lecturer suggested to arrange the point out informations in straight and horizontal line. Next, she said to make the illustration work completely together.
OUTCOME: I have replaced the arrangements of the informations into line composition and my lecturer said in the previous tutorial that the font sizes should be in three sizes which are the title, sub-title and information.

OUTCOME: I have included my favourite scene, environmental issues and my realization after watching the documentary. The realization should be related from my experiences with books of the nature.
Remarkable scene in the movie from the nature setting, environment issues which connected to my topography and my realization or reflection about environment after finishing the documentary. The references should be at the below of the poster.

I am be aware of and form opinions from diverse perspective, I asked all of my friends to give comments regarding my work and since I am not good with painting, I asked for opinions from my talented friend and I got to improve my painting skills.

My composition for the informations in this assignment is blurry at first because I was not used t make an infographic poster so I kept on changing the composition. But with the help from my lecturer, I have got to upgrade my design skills by arranging the composition nicely.

From this assignment, I have got to learn the composition for an infographic poster and be intellectually engaged with it. It was hard before however after lots of practices I am glad that I could understand each of the points and I am sure that I will more infographic poster in the future.