Travel Guide Pamphlet
Produces a pamphlet of my own city or township which related to discussion of built environment in the lecture. The pamphlet should consist of informations of my township and specific place of interest to be stop by through tangible and intangible components from macro study to micro study.



Include "Welcome" word to the illustration of the township upon greeting your friend.
SKETCH: I draw illustrations of the landmarks in Bandar Baru Bangi such as Equatorial Hotel, Bangi Sentral and more. My lecturer said that the composition s fine so I could proceed to the next part.

OUTCOME: I used outline pen and silver paint to finish up the drawing and putting my friend's name, Zareen on it because she is from Bangladesh and I want to introduce my township to her.

Macro study:
Selects my own city or township and going details in the specific place of interest.
Covers the broad background and history of the township.
Discovers the significant elements and landmarks of it including the main accessibility and mode of accessibility to the township.
SKETCH: The first page is compulsory to put Malaysia map and pinpoint my township's location on it. Next, putting all of the general background informations of my township and including the history of the place but I have not putted the history because I have to make it short since it is a long history. Beside the history I was planning to put the landmarks and pinpoint it on the map.

OUTCOME: After give it a thought regarding the composition, I have decided to put background information together with history and accessibility together with the landmarks. This is because the informations are related could easily understand by dividing it to two sections he general and details.
Zoning of the place of interest and aspects of the building design.
Road circulation (primary, secondary and tertiary)
Infrastructure and facilities.
Park (if there is one).
Sence of Place (what I feel towards the place).
Main and further activities, the cultures at the zone.
Micro study:
Pick the best place of interest in the township and illustrate the map and zoning map to pinpoint the site.
Describes the place of interest through tangible and intangible elements.
SKETCH: I chose Bangi Sentral as my place of interest because the place is approved by people in Bandar Baru Bangi. It is famous because of the fashion, foods and more. I have devided the zoning into five sections which are Health, Bank, Educational, Retails and Food and beverages. Furthermore, I combined circulation and building style in one page because there is much space and activities together with infrastructure follows the list in the task. Culture and event is related to one another and that is the reason on why I combined together with sense of place.

OUTCOME: I have added traffic in the infrastructure part and my lecturer gave a comment saying that overall is fine but must be related with the map and gladly I am doing it on the right track.

Illustrates one idea for the future development and improve your city or township.
SKETCH: I was imagining of underground cinema for a very long time. My plan is to make a cinema that could include with social distancing and privacy which is something that most people wanted nowadays.

Able to learn the most important thing in Natural and Built Environment which are zoning, circulation and getting to know my own township in details. I could totally understand my township after doing this project and this is going to help me from now on.

I got to enrich this TGC because I am capable to put theories into practice, from learning about built environment to actually do the project and putting together with what I have learned in the lecture.

​I have got to accept every comment with open-hearted and keep on improving instead of being stressful with it. Asking for opinions and wanted my lecturer to criticize my work is hard but I was able to overcome it and asking for more comments because that is way for me to do the best.